Crystalsaga Wiki



Each Dragon Hunt takes a specified Dragon Coin. All coins can be purchased from the Item Shop with crystals or obtained as reward for different Events.

Coins can be spent in the increments 1, 2, 4, and 8, with the following effects:

  • 1 coin: 1 slot spins around the wheel once
  • 2 coins: 1 slot spins around the wheel twice
  • 4 coins: 1 slot spins around the wheel twice, then 2 slots once
  • 8 coins: 1 slot spins around the wheel once, then 2 slots twice, then 3 slots once

Each spin rewards a random gift which will be placed in temporary storage. 

Green Dragon Hunt[]

Green Dragon

These coins can be obtained a number of ways and give good rewards when used.

Some of the show-cased items that can be obtained in the Green Dragon Hunt are:

Show-cased items can only be won on the top or bottom slot of the spin.

Note: Only Genbu (7 Day), Sands of Time (Bound), and Moderate Enchantent Crystal x15(Bound) can be won as Show-cased Items. Vault Expander (bound) and Teeka Egg (Bound) cannot be won and Health Orb (Bound) can be won as a normal reward.

Genbu icon Genbu (7 Day) A mount that can usually be obtained from upgrading "Therion"; this mount upgrades to "White Tiger," but only lasts for 7 days and cannot be traded.
SOT2 Sands of Time (Bound) Resets a character's skill points. Cannot be traded.
E.Xtal Moderate Enchantment Crystal (Bound) An enchantment crystal usually obtained from monsters between the levels 31-60. Can only be used to enchant equipment between levels 31-60. Can be used with unbound Moderate Enchantment Crystals to increase the success rate. Cannot be traded.
Vault Vault Expander (Bound) Unlocks 10 vault slots. Cannot be traded.
Teeka Teeka Egg (Bound) Hatching this item gives a small chance to hatch a rare Teeka pet. Cannot be traded.
HPorb Health Orb (Bound) Automatically restores HP to full when it drops below 50%. The Health Orb has a 15s cooldown. Capacity: 200,000 MAX Stack: 10,000,000 Cannot be traded or placed in vault.

Red Dragon Hunt[]

Red Dragon

Red Dragon Coins are more difficult to obtain and produce greater rewards than Green Dragon Coins.

Featured Items[]

White Tiger Icon White Tiger (7 Day) A mount that can usually be obtained from upgrading "Genbu"; this mount upgrades to "Seiryu," but only lasts 7 days.
Savior Epic Sacred Relic LV50 Savior's Epic Sacred Relic Use to randomly receive a piece of savior's equipment.
Therion Icon Therion May be turned into Ronna the Adventurer in exchange for a two person mount. This item is only obtainable through Dragon Hunt.
Enchanted skill Icon Enchanted Skill Dust Used in item synthesis to upgrade Bloodforged or Mistweave Epic armor sets to Legendary. Only available through Dragon Hunt.
Ethereal wings Ethereal Wings x10 Can be used to upgrade Battle Wings (foremerly level 60+ Wings).
Book Book Page (Beginner) Level 2 Pet Skill Manual can be upgraded to level 3 through item synthesis.

Other Items[]

Moderate Enchantment Crystal Moderate Enchantement Crystal x2 An enchantment crystal usually obtained from monsters between the levels 31-60. Can only be used to enchant equipment between levels 31-60. Can be used with unbound Moderate Enchantment Crystals to increase the success rate.
AFK Card 1 Hour AFK Card x2 or x4 Double click to use. Provides you with 1 hour of AFK Mode Time
Epic Shard Epic Nightshade Shard Collect enough of this armor to synthesize something.
Training Potion Training Potion Double Click to use. Randomly resets your pet's aptitudes. Can also be used by clicking on the [Refresh] button in the Pet Interface
Black Dragon Black Dragon Coin For the Black Dragon Hunt
Major Enchantement Crystal Major Enchantement Crystal x3 Improve Equipment stats through enchantment; The larger the quantity placed, the higher the sucess rate.
Petmanaorb Pet Mana Orb x2 Restores Pet Mana when below 40%.
Pethealthorb Pet Health Orb x4 Restores Pet Health when below 40%.
2XEXPCoupon 2x EXP Token x2 or x4 Provides you with 2x exp for a certain amount of time
3x Pet EXP Token x2 3x pet exp for a certain amount of time.
Mana Orb x2 Restores Mana when below 50%
Silver Honor Badge Can be turned into General Krahn for prizes.
Savior Epic Sacred Relic Lvl 20 Epic Sacred Relic Gives you a random Lvl 20 equip
Blessed Stone x3 Double click to use. Automatically restores 35% hp.
Bronze Honor Badge x2 Battle item, represents honor.
Torch x3 Used to spawn a torch, which will give you XP once in a while if you stand in its range.
Petfood Growth Food Double Click to use, increase your pet's loyalty by 10. Can also be used by clicking [Feed] in the Pet Interface

Black Dragon Hunt[]

Black Dragon

Black Dragon Coins are more difficult to obtain and produce greater rewards than both Green and Red Dragon Coins.

Some of the show-cased items that can be obtained in the Black Dragon Hunt are:

Seiryu Icon Seiryu (7 Days) A mount that can usually be obtained from upgrading "White Tiger"; this mount upgrades to "Great Phoenix," but only lasts 7 days.
Phoenix Icon Phoenix (2 Days) Epic 2-Person battle and flying mount.
Therion Icon Therion May be turned into Ronna the Adventurer in exchange for a two person mount. This item is only obtainable through Dragon Hunt.
Enchanted skill Icon Enchanted Skill Dust Used in item synthesis to upgrade Bloodforged or Mistweave Epic armor sets to Legendary. Only available through Dragon Hunt.
Advanced Book Page Book Page (Advanced) Level 3 Pet Skill Manual can be upgraded to level 4 through item synthesis.
Dragon Crystal Dragon Crystal Can be used to enchant Legendary (Orange) Equipment.

Way's to obtain Dragon Coins[]

Green Dragon Coin[]

  • Log in Daily to recieve 1 coin
  • Get lucky on the Vidalian Pack
  • Buy from Item Shop for 35Crystals
  • Reward on Quiz

Red Dragon Coin[]

Black Dragon Coin[]
